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The Kung Fu Tze amulet enables luck and success in the following areas: career, education and descendants. Kung Fu Tze is the greatest sage on earth who had been revered through ages, a symbol of victory, fame, popularity, recognition, literary excellence, intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Giving an equally auspicious meaning, the Abacus signifies "innumerable figures to calculate" in your financial portfolios. Featured behind the amulet, the 7-tier Wenchang Pagoda is an ancient symbol of intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Also featured is a Virgin Boy on Chilin of Excellence. It is an emblem of success in imperial examination and success in becoming a court official. It also symbolizes descendant's luck and benefits those who are seeking to conceive a baby boy. Special children brought by chilin are believed to be destined to become high level civil servants, one of the greatest honors possible in traditional China. The chilin had enabled benevolent kings and wise sages (including the Confucius) in ancient times. In modern times, this resembles high positions and status in the corporate and society. Last but not least, the symbols of jumping Double Carps signify victory. Empowering the amulet is the "Mantra of Manjusri" providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine vibes of wisdom. It is further consecrated with the Taoist Incantation of Confucius, which is also known as the "Wenchang Talisman". Equally important, there is also an additional Taoist Incantation ensuring kids' protection and safety.
Top 3 Unique and Proven Benefits of Kung Fu Tze Amulet
1. In career, he enables success for those who are entering the job market, seeking office or testing the abilities in promotion. He will help those in the corporate life who face the meritocratic review and excel in competition with other peers.
2. In education and personal development, he blesses one in passing examinations with distinction and enhances wisdom. One would attain academic excellence and win a place in the university. Those wishing to increase their self-development, further their studies or improve on writing skills will benefit.
3. In the aspect of descendants, he blesses ladies in getting pregnant and hopeful mothers in conceiving a baby boy. His amulet will also be of great benefit to children where they can grow up safely and wisely.
Kung Fu Tze
Confucius is the latinized word for Kung Fu Tze who was a philosopher who lived 551-479BC. He is the greatest sage on earth who had been revered through ages, chiefly noted as a teacher who had written many titles of wisdom. He was a great thinker and educator and the founder of Confucianism. He was the 1st educator who started a private school and is said to have thought more than 3000 disciples and that there were 72 outstanding students among them who were famous historical figures themselves later. He was considered the master of all teachers with his rich educating concepts and epigrams. Confucius taught that the nature of man is pure at birth, and that it becomes vitiated only by the impurity of its surroundings. His daily texts were charity of heart and duty towards one's neighbour, the virtues on which he laid most stress were justice and truth. Confucius temples are found in every town in chinese lands. Confucius has a place assigned to him among the deities of the Taoist Religion, and he is addressed as honoured one of Heaven who causes literature to flourish and the world to prosper. The ethics of the Confucianism are based on the following theories:
1. The Universe is regulated by an Order which is moral in its essence.
2. Man is morally good by nature, and it rests with him to remain so.
3. Man errs from ignorance and the force of bad example.
4. The remedies are education of the official classes and good example set by them.
5. The individual must rectify himself before he can rectify others. He must study the teachings of the Ancients and be well versed in modern ritualistic rules and social observances.
6. Above all it is essential to cultivate the Five Virtues viz., benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and sincerity.
What the Abacus symbolizes?
The abacus, also called a counting frame ("suanpan"), is a calculating tool that was in use centuries before the adoption of the written modern numeral system and is still widely used by merchants, traders and clerks. The earliest known written documentation of the Chinese abacus dates to the 2nd century BC.It goes without saying that the abacus is closely associated with money or prosperity, so in time the Chinese abacus became a popular feng shui cure for wealth. Thinking of ringing in more sales? Yes, the abacus is the answer, as this auspicious symbol is used by tycoons, businessmen, shop owners and financial planners to signify "too many figures to calculate" in their financial portfolios. Symbolically, the abacus will multiply your sales profits and boost your business. On an equally good note, for those seeking for knowledge in calculation such as in the fields of mathematics, accountancy, science and engineering, the abacus symbol can enhance your competency greatly.
Equally Good Whether Carrying or Displaying the Amulet
One can either carry along the Kung Fu Tze Amulet or display it at the following areas:
1. Display it at work or at the north to seek for a new job or enhance your career for promotional opportunities.
2. Display it at the cashier's or director's desk to enable more creativity in marketing and new ideas for your products for business success.
3. Display it at your study desk, next to your bedside, in the northeast or in your personal Fu Wei direction if you want to improve in your studies and achieve academic excellence.
4. Display it at the annual Flying Star #4 location if you are sitting for an important examination in that particular year. It can clear your mental exhaustion, thus creating a more harmonized mind for more memory power.
5. Display next to the bed or under the pillow of a child to catalyze his interest in books and studies.
6. Display at your personal Sheng Chi direction to enable good fortune and material success.
7. Display it in the west if you are seeking to conceive a baby or wanting your children to grow up safely and happily.
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